opinions on Coincident vs. HT Pro9

Is anyone familiar with both of these? I was really almost sold on the HT due to the whole single crystal thing etc, but now I also keep hearing good things about the CST from people I respect. My system is CaryCD303, Cary sli80, Shearwaters. Also, does anybody know where I can try before I buy with both brands? thanks, J
khaki8 i think you are in the wrong thread. you're looking for one of the many 'ultimate power cord' threads.
audiojudge did you get a chance to check out his (coincident) speakers? any thoughts? which models did you listen to? which amp did he have running them? what was his setup like...details, man, details.
I wonder what ever happened with the absolute powercord deal. I asked Agon about the two cord pimps that showed up in those threads (and lets not forget repeatedly bashed our really good friend and super-great cool-guy chstob) and they said "they were still looking into it." That was two weeks after all the B.S. and just after the absolute guys put up their new ad.

Could it be that Agon has specifically avoided disclosing to me their findings due to a conflict of interest? Salvatore has got me so jaded I can't help but wonder. Further, I wonder how much that ad costs? Agon knows the answers to all these questions.

But I agree this thread is nothing like those threads were. More on the coincidents please.