John Dunlavy On "Cable Nonsense"

Food for thought...
I just don't understand why "believers" are not willing to give some credit to the placebo effect. Here's a little story. I went to the CES show in Anahiem some years ago. The rep for a new line of speakers that had just come out lived there. He was excited about these new speakers and invited me to his house to listen. It didn't take long to figure out that something wasn't right. So, I took off the grills and found that a wooden shipping support was still fastened to the woofers! He wasn't a idiot, but he was embarrassed. I just laughed to myself thinking of all dumb things I had thought I had heard and all the things I should have heard right away and didn't.
Jhunter, what was the reason for that attack? I've never hurt you to my knowledge. I've spoken with John Dunlavy quite a few times, I was relating to a post above and agreeing that John at 80 something, is indeed losing some mental faculties. He does tend to drift a bit, but I'm not saying anything pro or con to John or his ideas. I've owned Dunlavy speakers for years and fully believe he is one of the brightest men in audio, and that his speakers are the best buy in audio. For you to attack me regarding this post shows me your true intentions on AudiogoN. I'll add you to the list, thanks. J.D.
Docwarnock.Find one thread where i state i dont belive in test.If you can I will eat my shorts.Dont post when you are misinformed.
I do admit that I think that the MEGA priced cables are so far out of line. So I set out to find the best speaker ( or interconnect for that matter ) cable that I could for the money. I set my speaker cable price at $500. And I found some very good cables at that price. And some that I would not have given you $50 for. My return on investment on cables that cost $3000 could not possibly balance out enough to make me not squirm with guilt ever time I saw those cables hanging off of my speakers. Would I really be getting anything close to 6 times the cable. Me thinks not. But if someone does count it worthy, then head on buddy. But it just doesn't make sense to me. But to say that Ratshack or any standard cable can give better sound than my treasured find. That’s like claiming Bose over Dynaudio. ( Maybe that’s the problem, maybe they are Bose lovers. With Aiwa receivers ).
And if it is the "PLACEBO" effect. Then here is the reality. I am glad that it only cost me $500 and not $3000 to be fooled. HAA!!. If it was true, I would eat my speaker cables. And my speakers. With mustard. I cannot beleive how fooled we are. Us fools who appreciate reproduced music at home must be a pretty gullible bunch. How on earth did we all get the same MOJO all at once. Maybe it was our favorite audio adds?
Sqjudge, how is that possible when you say that audio cables do not act as transmission lines. Take it from an EE who has around a bit much of transmission line theory applies both to Audio and RF. Capacitance is capacitance, inductance is inductance, resistance is resistance and impedance is impedance no matter what frequency you have.