Nordost Valhalla. vs Transparent Ref XL

I just finished comparing the Valhalla with the Ref XL and WOW!!! I compared a complete set of the Ref XLs with a complete set of the Valhallas and the Valhallas won easily. Much greater resolution, detail, musicality, etc. Bass seemed to have greater texture and seemed a bit tighter as well. Everything seemed more extended. There were more highs without harshness, and fuller sweeter midrange. And speed... incredibly fast. I have not heard anything that keeps up with it.

I have always been a great fan of the Transparent line and while I do believe the $23,000 Opus speaker cable is a totally different ballgame, I really think that the Valhalla is probably right between the RefXL and Opus for much less money.

Has anyone else compared the Valhalla's with other cables?
Mikelavigne: I am amazed. The question really is how much better can it still get over the opus? I would have bought the Opus MM, but I thought enough was enough. $23,000 was the straw that broke the camel's back. I can take that money and use it for an ivy league college education for my son. :)

The Valhalla is a big step up for me over the Ref XL and I am happy today - One day at a time!
Forgive my ignorance, who manufactures Opus speaker cables and where are they obtainable?
Are they available in IC's or only spkr cable!
Transparent Opus MM. As of today, they are only available in speaker cables. They will be releasing the IC's in the near future.