Tube preamp with remote for 1K used

I am looking for a good tube preamp with a remote. I do not need phono. Her is my associated equipment:

Odyssey Stratos Monoblocks
Audio Physic Virgos
Pioneer 525 Dvd Player modded by Stan Warren

I am currently using a passive but want to try a tube pre with this system.

ALL suggestions would be very helpful.

Here are some considerations by brand:
Sonic Frontiers
Audio Electronic Supply
I agree with the SHA Gold people. I've had mine for years and don't feel the need to get a new one. I may send it in and get it upgraded to the Reference status. I guess I should take the opportunity and ask if other owners think the reference is significantly better than the standard. And the answer is? ........
Rogue 66 with the magnum upgrade. The Magnum really is a huge upgrade to the entire Rogue line.
GO ROGUE! Mark O'Brien is cool! He has great free T-shirts and even gave me some NOS 6SN7's Of course I earned it all.I hooked Rogue up with a dealer here in WNY and was "paid" He also invited me to a show as a guest of Rogue.I hope he remembers when I get the magnum upgrade for my 99! You Rogue lovers,get some business cards from Mark and spread the word and get these fine products in more shops.Great products and great guys! I once was a soldier in the KISS army,Now Im a soldier in the ROGUE army! Sorry,tough day at work.
Sedond, Is the Melos MA 333 the same as the Music director that you are refering to?