Full range rear speakers

I am interested in others opinions who have tried HT setups with rear full range speakers verses "book shelf" speakers.

All direct radiating speakers. Was the extra money worth the over all effect, i.e.. more presence in the rear, or just roll the small speakers lows off to the subs and call it even?

"Multi-poop", that is a good one ;-) Haven't heard it stated that way before, ROFLMAO

All I was saying was that the bass of the Osprey will be more musical simply because it was designed to be so (as compared to the HSU).

In a sense you are correct, that the rears are only for re-creation of the venue. However, this is not always the case as some recordings do have instrument/voice sent to the rear channels (whether this is a good or bad thing is a topic for another thread ;-] )

Your questions are good ones, but this is the deal: It takes a MUCH better transducer to faithfully create the harmonics, tonal reverberations, string slide, etc. of a cello (just an example), than it does to reproduce a big boom from a soundtrack (unless that "boom" is from an orchestral source). These are just my opinions, but when a transducer is described as "musical", it simply means that it is more capable of faster transients, dynamics, and transparency. A "musical" speaker is typically much more linear across the entire frequency spectrum than a non-musical speaker.

I don't care for Dipoles/Bipoles either, just wanted to make sure your were aware that they are available (if you wanted to go that route).

Best Regards...Mike - Father & Son Audio
"faster transients, dynamics, and transparency" I guess the question is this wasted in the HT application?


I don't think it is completely wasted, but if you are looking at 100% HT, I personally wouldn't spend the extra money. I will put it this way: Speakers designed for "music" sound great with HT applications, but speakers designed purely for the purpose of HT, will usually not do that well with music. Make sense?

Regards...Mike - Father & Son Audio
Makes sense Mike, thanks for the input. In this case I would be considering "musical" small or large speaker. Off the top of my head I can't think of any speakers designed purely for HT(and don't want to know:)) Ya know, good stuff all around.

It is said that both NHT and Definitive Technology speakers were designed from the ground up for HT purposes although, of course, neither company would ever admit this and both are marketed as dual-use systems.

There's my rumor for the day...
