What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report

I enjoy vinyl and digital (lately, with recent changes, vinyl actually sounds better than digital to me), BUT given what seems an overall preference for analog/vinyl on A'gon, I'm curious what the non-vinyl "1/2" is listening to. I tried to see if this was a previously posted question. Did not seem so.

This evening for me, it's Genesis (definitive edition remaster) "A Trick of the Tail".

Last night was:

Mayer Hawthorne-"A Strange Arrangement" and "How Do You Do". Have you guys heard this artist? He is really, really good. His music is classified as "Neo-Soul".
This link is for Pokey77 if he's still listening (and anyone else with similar tastes). Check out Chronaut and "Modern Classical", in particular.

This afternoon: Odetta - Blues Everywhere I Go. This is the best recorded CD, SACD or RedBook, that I've ever heard. My good friend Carole left me a copy in my mail box earlier this week. It is some serious good tunes. Check it out.

Finished off with Nils Lofgren, Acoustic Live. Well recorded live fun. Thanks again go to Carole.

It's hard to listen to anything else after these two because nearly all CDs that I know of cannot match the fine sound quality of these two CDs. Reference is certainly fitting here.
Well, I posted about 24 hours ago and not sure if that post is going to make it here since Ghosthouse has posted seemingly after I posted last night. This moderated post checking is killing me. Anyway, I digress.

So, today I listened to the following: Tycho – Dive. It was a recommendation from Ghosthouse and I’m finally starting to get it after a number of plays. I really like ambient and don’t have many in this genre so I’m glad to have been led to another cool band.

Then I listened to Younger Brother – The Last Days of Gravity. Another Ghosthouse recommendation. Also taking plenty of listens to get acquainted with but it has been a fun process.

Pinback – Blue Screen Life. I’ve actually listened to this one today and last Sunday as well. This is an incredible record. I just can’t seem to get enough of it. And it is superbly recorded as well.

Ending up the night as I type this is Pinback – Information Retrieved. This is their newest release and it is not as immediately accessible as the one above, but a great production as well. Really, just a real breath of fresh air for me.

Ghosthouse, I will go give a listen to the link you’ve left for me. Thanks. BTW – Still trying to work through some listening of the Varese piece I just purchased. It is Arcana/Ameriques/Ionisation conducted by Pierre Boulez. Hopefully it’ll grow on my.

And yes Ghosthouse, I’m still listening. Just hate the fact that when I post here on the Gon’ that every post is moderated and takes so long to go live. That really takes away from the continuity of the conversation. Thanks for all the great recommendations. And thanks for starting this thread. I really am enjoying it.