High Quality Outlets Where to get them??

Hello everybody, we are building a house and its coming to the stage where were gonna put all the wiring in, I am already going to get a dedicated power line. But what about plugs. i need something better than the 59 cent ones. and i cant afford a PS audio plug for 50 bucks each. What about just hospital grade? Where can i find these online? Which ones to look for? Thanks
Skip the online deal - Home Depot, Lowes or any electrical supply house worth it's salt will have these items on the shelf. I bet even a True Vlue would order them in in a couple of days. Be sure though to check that each device has a prominent green dot on it - this tells you that it is NEMA-approved UL hospital grade. Expect to pay between $7 and $12 for each device.

While you're wiring be sure to consider whole house surge protection on you panel ... takes up one breaker position. It doesn't releive you of the need for additional protection of very sensitive devices ... but can take a huge amount of load from your point of use supression devices.

Congrats on the new house and good luck with it.
Try percyaudio.com, I know he has some but I'm not sure what they cost. Otherwise, try an electrician supply house, they should be able to get them.
Considering what an inexpensive upgrade a dedicated line with really good quality outlets will prove to be spending a little here is a great investment. Having said that make sure that you have your electrician run a copper ground rod to your dedicated line. If you can get him to run 6 gauge wire from the outlet to the rod you will be impressed. If the ground rod is exposed to the elements such as a sprinkler system so that the ground can be wet that is even better.
Home Depot has Eagle plugs for about $8.00 that are decent. The top Hubbell plugs are about $21.00 and then you have the High end plugs. I happen to really like the Electraglide outlets which are 24 K gold plated, Sound Application has some very good ones I hear, as does Kimber.
Good Luck!
I agree with the suggestions above, and would add that Pass and Seymour hospital grade outlet plugs are very good and are available at typical electrical supply stores for $8-10. ea., and audiophile grade Hubbell outlets are available from The Cable Co. at www.fatwyre.com for about two for $25. Cheers. Craig.
You can get the Arrow-Hart(the best budget units) outlets at Music Direct for a reasonable price or the PS Audio Power Port units for about $50 which still seems to be a good value considering what goes into making one. Check out the Ps audio web site it has a lot of info on this topic.