Rogue 66 vs Rogue 99

The Rogue 66 has received a lot of attention recently, but I haven't heard much about the 99. The Rogue 99 uses a much different circuit design and complement of tubes. Anyone heard the 99, or even better, been able to A/B the 66 against the 99?
Duddy,I have an invitation to extend to you.Meet me in Pa.we will go to the Rogue joint and Mark can run his "tests" on a 99.If his tests show his specs are correct you can buy me lunch.If you are correct you can still buy me lunch.Mark has offered to prove to me his specs are dead on.I have faith in his E.E.ability.I live 6 1/2 hours from Rogue's plant.Your drive is probably closer.At the least we could have a chat and a meal.You can order crow! Let me know :)
hi david,

interesting proposal. to be honest, i tink it'd be more reasonable to have the output impedence of the rogue tested by an independent lab - prolly a lot less driving inwolved, too! ;~) as for me, w/a wife, young children, the alfa club, & the pantera club pulling for my free time, i'm not sure i could swing something like this, yust to prove a point.

the only reason the impedence-issue came up is because, when discussing the sonics of my rogue w/one of the most well-respected tube designers in the industry, he said it sounded like an impedence problem, & he said there was *no way* a mu-follower tube design could have such a low output impedence, unless it was a hybrid design. (rogue, in fact, doesn't publish the output impedence of the preamp, this designer obtained it from rogue by calling & asking if his amps would have any impedence-matching problems w/the rogue.) it was he who suggested i try placing resistors across the outputs of the preamp to check for actual volume-level change. doing so corroberated his beliefs, & testing of other preamps in this same manner, further corroborated them. lower output-impedence preamps, in fact, required lower-walue resistors to get an audible wolume-drop.

as mentioned in my previous post, a 2.2k-ohm resistor casued a noticeable wolume drop when placed across the rogue 99's outputs. this same walue resistor caused *no* change in wolume when placed across a cary slp98 preamp - it took a 1k-ohm resistor to hear any volume decrease. the melos, with *very* low output impedence, had no volume drop w/even a 500-ohm resistor across the outputs.

this test is wery easy to try at home - all ya need is a small "y" interconnect hooked up between your amp & preamp - then take a resistor & hold one end on the center-connector, the other end on the outside-connector of the free rca plug. the lower the output impedence of your preamp, the smaller-value resistor it will take to perceive a wolume-level drop. you mite wanna try this on yer preamp at home before taking it *anywhere* to be tested! ;~)

i don't need conwincing that the rogue 99's output impedence, whatever it is, is much higher than the cary slp98, the version of which i tested, was rated at 850 ohms - i audibly tested both, as described above. (i mistakenly said 600 ohms previously - i believe that this is correct for cary's most recent production, the unit i tested was older.) i suggest ewe do the same, prior to driving a day, to have this checked. and, as i said before, i'm sure there's a qualified tech (much closer then at rogue audio), that could test this for you w/proper equipment, if ya don't wanna try the audibility test.

regards, doug

ps - i noticed i have gotten an inordinately high number of negative feedback on my posts here. i guess it's due to my hostile, inflammatory, uncivil manner, & not due to the fact that some of ewe may not like my opinions... ;~)

Dud,you are none of the above,just telling it the way you see it.Im just a bit confuseds the 99 drives my Pass 3 with ease and the bass is KILLER!! I know people say the Pass 3's bass sucks but I know better.Sorry you cant make the trip.You can still buy me lunch sometime!
dave, what's the length of yer interconnects? i tink this may have been a problem i faced w/my set-up. and, i *know* when i have good bass - w/a pair of vmps larger subs x'd over at 60hz, each driven by 900 watts, i get bass... ;~) and, interestingly enuff, the problem i had w/the rogue wasn't yust electronic/synth bass, but acoustic-upright bass was yust not there, & it was *this* that i missed the most. oh well... i guess it yust goes to show how important system-matching is...

regards, doug