Best A/V Receiver Under 700

I have a modest home theater set up in a small extra bedroom, with an NAD 760. I have not been particularly impressed with the NAD 760 for two channel audio. I was thinking of the Outlaw 1050, or perhaps picking up used amp and processor separates (although I would prefer to keep the equipment down to a minimum to save space, even if the cost is comparable). This system will include three Tyler Acoustics Taylo Reference Monitors for the front and center. I will add the rear channels at a later date. Speaker cables are DH Lab Silver Sonic Q10. How about some opinions on the best solution at a modest price. Thank you for your help.
outlaw's 499 sounds like 1499
or a denon 4802....but wait....not under $700
...OUTLAW's your answer
or just wait
I used to have a Nakamichi AV-8. he 10 is a a model up. No DTS on mine anyway, but I thought it was a great bargain. It replaced Denon and kicked it's butt. see them cheap on AG and at my dealeer at times.
Go to u bid and buy a $1200 plus receiver which will be in your price range it beats paying 700 for a 700 receiver. I doubt if the Outlaw will beat the NAD for sound so you need to step up to something wtih a higher MSRP so buying used or getting a deal on a better unit is the way to go.
I am a traditional 2-channel "it's all about the music" guy with a rediculous investment in separates. However, I am considering a practical budget surround set up. Therefore, I took a peek in this forum...

Looks like "Outlaw" is a popular one. I have never heard of this brand. Does anyone know of a web site for this manufacturer, or for a dealer in the NYS or NE area???

Outlaw is manufactured in NH. Website They seem to make very high value products, and have a loyal following. Check out the 950 prepro (hopefully) coming out by year's end. Good luck.