Best new amp under $2k?

After reading a spirited review of McCormack's DNA-125 and Belles Hotrod 150A in December's Stereophile I am interested in what you think is the best in this category. The biggest attraction to this class of amp (under $2k) is the value everyone seems to talk about. You know, 80-90% of the performance of the big boys at a third of the cost. Any and all thoughts are welcome.
Rogue Model 88, if you can use a "mere" 30 wpc. It DOES sound like more power than that, and is just really nice. I consider myself pretty good verbally, but it's hard to describe the sonic signature of this amp in triode mode, other than "really nice". It's official distortion specs are very low, to boot. In my smaller room, it will drive 85 dB sensitive mini-monitors to 90 dB peaks briefly, at a distance of 6 1/2 feet. I also have a Krell KAV-250a (500 wpc into 4 ohms), which I don't plan to sell, and it is nice to have both to choose from. I paid $2050 for it used, and $949 for the Rogue, new. I admit the Rogue is the better value by far (especially getting it below mSRP like that), but if you need more power for a bigger room, and MUST buy a NEW amp for $2000 or less, then I'm sure there will be many others here who can help you.
While i have not heard them myself, Richard Marsh's amps are getting KILLER reviews. I do have one of his SS preamps in one of my systems and it does most things very well. It is a little laid back sounding but comes across as being very "effortless" sounding. Depending on what you need for power, there are many good amps to choose from. Most of it will boil down to system synergy and personal preferences, so don't take reviews or suggestions as being the end all. Do some research, find some that interest you personally and then give them a shot in YOUR system. That's the only way that you'll find out if they are what YOU are looking for. I think that Carl and most of the other "regulars" would agree with this. If you do some reading on other posts about "budget conscious amps" (not necessarily new), you'll find that the Forte' 4A has a BIG following for some very specific reasons. The equivalent Threshold amp (but slightly better) is the T50. In my opinion, either of these are GREAT amps for the money involved. Sean >
I love my Bryston 4BST which can be had for less than $2K new. Another choice might be )although I have not heard them) the Odyssey Stratos monoblocks - getting much more exposure and have been discussed over the last week or so and right at your budget limit...
Although slightly over my stated $2k price range someone e-mailed me suggesting a long, hard look at Blue Circle's BC22. Any thoughts anyone?