Help me find a smooth solid-state amp?

I'm currently in the market for a *smooth* solid state amp (~100-150wpc into 8ohms) to mellow out an exceedingly bright system. I currently have an Adcom GFA-5400 with Adcom preamp and Soliloquy 5.0 monitors. Front end is a Pioneer DVD/CD player. Any suggestions as to what brands I should check out? Names off the top of my head include: Aragon, Classe, Bryston, and McCormack. I'm not too sure of the actual models I should try out. I'm also not averse to buying used items. Thanks. dd
Try a pair of Herron M150's. Very smooth and a match to the Herron tube front end equipment.
Of the brands you mentioned, I would be interested in the McCormack. In my audition experience Classe and Bryston have bright sound. Aragon 8008BB is a good amp, but also slightly bright in the upper midrange. The McCormack DNA 1 or .5 were slightly warm. If you are willing to spend a little more, I would suggest a Pass Aleph 2 (monoblock) or Aleph 4. These are 100 watts of single ended Class A power and best any of the other brands mentioned by a wide margin, IMHO. They are a little laid back in the upper mids, smooth, but very extended at both frequency extremes. There aren't many better solid state amps than this. Read the reviews of the Aleph 4 and Aleph 2 at Used prices should be in the low $3000's and their are always plenty for sale (particularly Aleph 2's).
Do yourself a favor and audition the Belles 150A Hotrod. It's very musical and not at all bright. If you have access to Decembers Stereophile read what Sam Tellig had to say, it's a very accurate review.
i'll second lphunter2's choice. and ,if you can find one, get a hold of a warner imaging-powerful,deep bass, accurate yet sweet highs.
The BEL (Brown Electronic Labs) 1001 MkV is the smoothest most tube-like SS amp on the planet. Check out TAS Golden Ear Awards 2000 issue 127.