Ayre V-3 vs BAT VK-200 vs Classe' CA-200

Currently own the Ayre but I am interested in the other two or possibly the Class' CA-300. Any comments on these amps is appreciated.
i've owned both the BAT and Arye. the BAT is more tube like (more of a warm, romantic sound) the Arye is more accurate. I've also heard the Ayre without upgrades/with the component upgrade/and with both upgrades. IF YOU OWN THE AYRE WITH THE UPGRADES, DROP THE GROUND. it makes a tremendous difference with the sound stage. it is dramatic. if you own an Ayre without the upgrades leave it grounded (also there is a 3-4db decrease in spl with the upgrades (unrelated to dropping the ground)). which one did i like more? female vocalist, i liked the BAT, everything else, the Arye....
Bought a used BAT VK-200 a month ago, and it makes the sweetest sound I've ever heard from my Bryston BP-25/B&W 802's. Very warm, yet incredible, tuneful midrange detail. Not the final word in high end brightness, but it sure sounds like music to me, not electronics. Very tube like, if that's what you want. Krell, Aragon, Clayton, ARC left me out in the harsh cold. BAT invites me in to listen comfortably for a while.
I own a Classe CA 200 and in no way would charaterize it as "flat". What power cord and associated equipment are you strangling your amp with to make Classe sound flat? Classe IMO is one of the more natural sounding amps, particularly in the midrange area which makes it an excellent match for many very revealing speaker brands.
Keep the Ayre.....nothing will be satisfying long term like the Ayre. Many products have an initial zing that get you interested but the Ayre is the best SS amp on the planet. Keep it or you will regret it.
I would have to agree with goldmans statement. I beleive the Ayre is highly under rated...Best-Gary