Why do designers/manufacturers...?

If audiophile grade feet, power cords, and fuses can really improve SQ, why don't high end designers/manufacturers just incorporate these audiophile grade components at the time of build? Why sell an under-optimized item that can be easily improved upon by the owner or a modder?
Geoffkait, I'm not looking for an argument, just curious. What do your Mpingo disks do and why do you think they have been forgotten?
I find your post very interesting, because it involves a measurable difference. Are you comfortable in telling us which brand or brands of power cord you found that do not limit current flow? That is obviously important, and now I am wondering about mine.
The Mpingo discs, even ONE in the room, bring a certain sweeteners and warmth to the upper bass and midrange. But the drawback is you have to find the place or places where they work. For that reason, many audiophiles opt out. Most audiophiles never heard of Mpingo discs so how can they forget them? :-)
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I find your post very interesting, because it involves a measurable difference. Are you comfortable in telling us which brand or brands of power cord you found that do not limit current flow? That is obviously important, and now I am wondering about mine.
11-08-14: Roxy54


Not speaking for Atmasphere, but there is a lot more that can go into the making of a power cord than its ability to delivery power to a piece of equipment. How much power does a typical CDP use?