Is bass-expander really good for stereo system?

Hi,I have been looking for some tweak other than spkr placement,see if somehow the bass reproduction of my system can be "heavier" or extended a bid without sacrifizing other aspects of sonic reproduction. My system consited of (1)AhTjoeb 4000 CDP (2)NADC370 integrated amp(120Wx2) (3)
Analysis plus Oval 9 spkr cable(4)Quadral Ascent850 spkr(3-way, bass reflex,floor standing,28-24000Hz freq. resp.,4-8Ohm,89dB sensitivity)5)TruthLink IC-harmonic-tech).Lately, I browse on web-site and looking into the unit called Ultrabass EX PRO-1200 (ITS NOT AN EQUILIZER OR ORDINARY "BASS BOOSTER"). I have been wondering has anybody have experiences in using such unit(or similair unit)? and how does it sound-in matching with the 2 channel stereo system? does it sacrifizing other sonic aspects although getting more extended bass??
Your opinion and suggestion is highly appreciated and thanks a lot
I have had experience with several bass boxes and other black box devices over say the last 10 years. I have a Behringer Eq but am not familiar with the device you mention. Audiocontrol makes a bass eq - the Richter Scale - which just controls the bass frequencies. Some devices I have tried create bass frquencies in a synthetic way - I find some of these add distortion that intrudes on the naturalness of the music and some give woofers a tough time. Electronic crossovers can be a good way to extend the bass in a system although with your setup it may not be feasible. Get the Behringer and try it out - send it back if you do not like it. The Legacy Steradian also does bass extension and can be used in a tape loop for before and after comparisons. This is the device the Legacy Whisper uses for bass control to suit a room.
Kevin Barrett of KAB Electroacoustics is up to date on this subject.
why not get a subwoofer ? RELs integrate very well, and can be found used for about $800 up. It worked for me. What you're suggesting may work, but may strain your amp and main speakers, forcing them to work harder to drive low frequencies. I'd be very wary as it may be difficult to resell if you don't like it.