Do you ever doubt you ears ?

I think I have very good hearing, probably better than average based on occasions when listening together with others. I have years of experience listening to a huge range of systems and equipment, a-b
comparisons etc., and I have also read an enormous amount about the subject. No doubt many here are at a higher level than I am.

When comparing cables I sometimes get confused. I hear big differences/improvements sometimes but when I go back to the reference a week later it sounds better. Switching around confuses me more. Bass is always the easiest and most consistent to compare. I start doubting my ears or my memory, especially when my opinion is 180 degrees different to reviews.
Maybe that is why I like to have a component or cable around for a few weeks before making a decision. It is to easy to listen to something that is different and think it is better, especially if you have to make the decision in a few days. At least for me, having heard it for awhile and then going back to what I was using tells me really quick what I like and why
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