balanced vs. unbalanced sound quality

hi all i just got a theta dreadnaught amp and i currently have it hooked up through the unbalanced inputs.

i dont know very much about this topic, so i was wondering if i got balanced cables, would the sound quality improve? i will be using all 1 meter cables.

i know that higher end cables will sound better, but lets just say that the balanced cables would be of the same quality as the unbalanced.

thanks all,
I had the same question on the same amp I own - Halo A21. The Parasound brochure does indicate using a XLR input for the best possible sound. But when I asked this same question to Parasound they mentioned that it did not matter. A search on the internet also mentions that use of XLR input on this amp takes it to an altogether new level. I will be interested in experimenting with the XLR inputs when I get my system out of hibernation.
I like the more secure locking connection that XLR connectors provide, and the better grounding between components. However, you do pay more, sometimes significantly more, for good XLR connections on gear.
>>12-09-10: Tmsorosk
Lower noise floor and bigger sound stage<<

Not true at all.

System/component dependent.