Finding a Power Cord that sounds great

There are so many Power cords out there it is mind boggling. I have tried quite a few of them. Here is what I have tried over the few years. JPS +, Kimber Kable Palladian, Cardas Golden reference, Shunyata Python Helix. They all had their pluses and minuses and I kept looking. Some I enjoyed more than others. I recently tried a BPT L9cT(advertised here on Audiogon) and was surprised at how good it was for such a reasonable price. Chris Hoff of BPT(great guy to work with by the way) made a special L9cT Power Cord with the new Furutech FI50 connectors recently. Wow! Now I thought this is something special. It imaged better that any of the other Power cords I had tried with a deeper and higher image than I had experienced before. It is still a fast cord with excellent transients and great bass but with a much bigger sound stage. Also the Furutech FI50's seem to give the sound a relaxed realistic character to instruments. Pianos especially sounded nice. I have heard the Furutech powerflux power cord was an excellent. It was slightly higher priced than what I wanted to pay for a power cord. It uses the F150 connectors. So trying the BPT cord with Fi50s was a nice find.
Anyone want to share their experiences with the best power cord they have used? I know some of this is system dependent. Has anyone tried a BPT power cord or a power cord with FI50 connectors? Just wanted to say I had a very good listening experience with BPT L9CT with Furutech FI50s.

My Equipment
Anthem D2
Theta Dreadnaught II
Naim CDx2
Kef reference 205s RL
Kef reference 204 center
Martin Logan descent Sub
PSB synch surrounds
Oyaide R1 outlets with Furutech covers
I have been through way too many to list in nearly all $ ranges. All do different things, some better than others, but most also bring some negative to the table. The 2 cables that gave the most gain with no negative consequences, to my ears of course, are the Acoustic Revive Power Reference and the MIT Oracle Z3. Both topped cables costing double and beyond in my trials. They both seemed to be the most coherent top to bottom and just solid all around performers. Now I am trying to nail down which of the 2 I like best and be done with it! I have also found using more than 2 brands of power cords in my system begins to cause some loss of overall coherence.
I have reviewed the wonderful Furutech Flux power cords on PFO. You'll find my observations at:

The PCs that I have enjoyed the most are the ones I am using right now. . . Shunyata King Cobra CX. I have applied them to my Esoteric X-01 Limited player, as well as to my Rowland Model 312 amp. The PC appears to be a complete generalist and can be happily used for both high and low power applications. It is the most coherent cord that I have used this far. Very broad frequency rendering, without hot spots or dips that I can discern. Extremely large stage in 3 dimensions. . . thank goodness the background is not 'black'. . . it's transparent and alive with low level information. Fact is KC may be the most revealing power cord I have tried this far, without delivering unwanted artifacts. While previous incarnations of Shunyata cords could be accused of slightly reducing dynamics, the CX series appears to be delivering an impressive dynamic range, from broad macro dynamics to very minute microdynamics.
Is this wire for everyone? Probably not. . . If someone seekd the ultimate (and to me excessive) energetic sparkle, or a pleasing euphonic warmth, I suspect the Shunyata CX series may not be for them. rather, King Cobra CX seems to be delivering the ultimate Goldilockian sound. . . not an excess of 'this', neither an excess of 'that'. . . just an extreme 'rightness' of all.
Unfortunately, I had the pleasure of inserting into my system also the matching Shunyata Aurora ICs and speaker wires. . . very consistent with King Cobra CX. . . they seem to extend all sonic and musical parameters even significantly further toward my ideal.

I bought a used Elrod EPS-2 off Audiogon for a few hundred. It made such a big difference in my Sony 5400ES player I had to buy 4 more Elrod power cables. The other 4 are on there way. The sound from the Sony was much fuller and richer. The bass was better also.
G., do you like the Shunyata King Cobra CX better than the Furutech Powerflux Power Cord? And if so, why?
I will tell you that it is true the Furutech FI50 connectors take awhile to shine. Break in is slow. But when they do it is a very very nice listening experience.
JRN, I agree completely that Flux take an inordinate amount of time to break-in. Anyone who shortshrifts these wires because of what the do (or do not do) during the first few hundred hours of operation, will waste their time and their money. Flux deserve a lot of patience to give their best. I have used the completeFurutech Flux suite for perhaps 1500 hours. My findings about this remarkable series are in my PFO article at:
I have continued to use them after the end of the review process for several weeks , and the wires still blossom further for an additional couple hundred hours.

However, after inserting the Shunyata King Cobra CX + Auroras in the system, and breaking them in for approx 300 hours, until they stabilized, this Shunyata suite as a whole has become my reference cabling. As wonderful as the Flux series is, I found the Shunyata King Cobra CX cords, particularly when fielded in synergy with the Shunyata Aeros Aurora ICs and speaker wires, to be significantly and comfortably preferable in most aspects of my application, for the reasons discussed in my previous post. While Flux cords may be slightly more energetic than KC, which may undoubtedly tip some user's preference toward Flux, the overall sonic and musical parameters I discussed in my previous post have easily caused my preference to fall for the Shunyata KC+SAurora combination.

The single exception is a position where unfortunately I have not yet been able to isolate variables to my satisfaction:
I found the musically and sonically most desirable solution from the Furutech ETR-303 Daytona conditioner to the AC grid is currently a 12ft Furutech Flux that reaches a rather far isolated 20A outlet. Unfortunately my KC is only 2 meter long, and reaches only a standard non-isolated 15A circuit outlet.
Using the KC to power the conditioner through a regular outlet within its reach instead, the system yields a sonic environment that is slightly subpar in grain-free musicality and resolution, compared to powering the conditioner with the Flux fed by the outlet on the 20A isolated circuit.

It is worth pointing out that an isolated circuit can have a very significant effect on the overall sound. Hence, in the next several weeks, I might enroll the assistance of a friend of mine to move the isolated circuit to be in reach of the Shunyata King Cobra CX, so to eliminate the effect of the last uncontrolled variable, and perform an even more valid performance determination.

Regards, G.