When is it to hot to cut the grass?

Here in Jersey it's been hovering in the high nineties, probably hit 100* today. We are having heat advisories. Should I cut my lawn? What do people do in Arizona?
Most of us in Arizona don't have any grass, it's a waste of water.

True, but when my wife was a kid in the 70's water conservation wasn't as big a deal as it is today. The population was much smaller in The Valley Of The Sun and it was later that water conservation became the rule of the day. Reclaimed water (sewage) on golf courses, watering limits, grasses that require less water, and natural desert landscaping. My father-in-law loved to brag about how the town paid him to put lava rock in his front yard.

When it get's to hot here in NJ I hit the beach for a dip. The Ocean was nice today, and the scenery was good to.
We Piney's aint so dum!

"When is it too hot to cut the grass?"

When you see a dog chasing a cat...... and they're both walking.

Quote from Uncle Briggs, Paducah, Ky.

Heard this while attending college in 1976 and still enjoy it and mentioning it whenever I can.


I cut the grass last evening.
Kept the buds then chucked the stems and seeds.

Gotta go, I'm starving.