SR Power Cell 10 SE Vs, Bybee Purifier PC

Anyone compare the SR Power Cell 10SE to the Bybee Purifier line conditioner?
Many years ago I had the Bybee ic filters. When I took them out of my system the sound improved. So for about the last eight years I have ignored all of his stuff.
Tbg, that's surprising. What did they do to the sound? I have had nothing but good results with Bybee products.
Sabai, It was a long time ago. All I really remember is that a friend had suggested taking the filters off the ics. I did and we both just looked at each other. The music was more open and live. Actually, this was my second experience with them. Earlier I had just tried them from a dealer and returned them after two days. Then John Curl had strongly recommended them and I respect him, so I bought several sets. He was wrong this time IMHO.
Tbg, it goes to show you everything is system dependent. I find this especially true when trying to put components together with cables. One cable, even one plug, can make a very big difference, in my experience.
Sabai, when you think about it, the entire enterprise of internet posting about audio, may be a waste of time. I must say, however, that on occasion someone as ernest as you causes me to try something or retry something.