XLR interconnects?

I'm in the process of upgrading my interconnects to XLR balanced cables. My gear is a Bryston BCD-1 cd player, Bryston SP 1.7 pre/pro, Sherbourn 5250A multi-channel amp, and my speakers are Anthony Gallo Ref 3.1's.
I'm looking to find a cable that is fairly neutral as I'm happy with the sound of my system. If there is a cable out there that may benefit my system please make a suggestion. I'm looking to spend between $200-$300 per pair. Some I've been thinking of trying out are Cardas Qualink 5c's, Kimber Hero's, Harmonic Technology Truthlinks, and Straightwire Maestro II's. Right now I'm using Ultralink Platinum series interconnects. Hope you can help.
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The Cable Company recommended Aplha Core Goertz Micropurl AG XLR's. They said it's has been a proven match with Bryston gear over the years.
Ah yes, the micropurls...owned them when they were first released. Couldn't send them back fast enough. Enjot the trip...it took me many years and much cash to go through all the offerings...studio cable like mogami and Goertz are just a couple examples of mediocre wire. But hey, have some fun and play the field for awhile. When you grow up maybe we can talk.
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