Anyone else tried the Acoustic Systems Liveline?

A pair of Franck Tschang's tuned interconnects (see Six Moons reviews) are still breaking in, in my system, but they have already "stomped" my Harmonic Technology Magic 2, HT Pro-Silway III+, and Van den Hul Orchid. While I don't have any at present, from memory I'd also say that they handily vanquish the Nordost Valhalla and Kubala-Sosna Emotion interconnects in my system. They are not HiFi spectacular, but are the most musical and least electronic sounding cables I've ever heard. Interestingly, several recording that have always sounded compressed and confused in spots, which I just attributed to the recording, are rendered cleanly for the first time with these cables and no other system changes.

Joe of JAM'n Audio is a Liveline dealer.

MAIN: 847-356-5161
FAX: 847-265-9459
CELL: 224-577-5161

I use a Fusion Audio Romance at present. This is one interconnect which sounds closest to real instruments (tone, timbre, body, texture, harmonics, decay...everything is so real and present). And it does not do this only to the hear the same across the frequency spetrum.
I replaced a 1m Acoustic Zen Silver mkII with a Liveline. No looking back. Amazing Cable. I got a pair from Barry Konigs, Transparent Audio. He can be contacted at 484 547 6799. He located in PA.

I just ordered a 6m run XLR to replace my other Acoustic Zen Silver mkII.
Jimi_p, are you going to try Liveline spkr cables?

First I replaced my SR Apex Bi-wire with Liveline and cheap jumpers. Friends familiar with my system were stunned by the improvements. They repeatly asked is spkr cable only thing I changed.

Now my system is all liveline. I'm using 2 single runs for bi-wiring and a HUGE improvements over single+jumpers.

Surprisely Liveline is the 1st cable that I found works equally well with both SS and tube.

If anyone needs an EXCELLENT Liveline dealer, contact me with PM.