Anyone tried/heart Dcca Audio Speaker Cable?


I read very good things about Dcca's power cables and am about to get one for my power amp.

Did anyone try or hear Don's speakercable ? I use Kubala Sosna Fascination SC now with Symphonic Line amps, Metronome digital and Kharma CE 2.3 with titanium tweeters.


Renaat Mattheus
Hi guys

The Source on my Symphonic Line preamp really shook up my system ! In the positive sense ofcourse. Much more 'weight' and transparancy combined with musicality. Soundstage increased too without becoming too 'spectacular'.

I have the Extreme Reference on my power amp: the bass slam increased without becoming 'boomy'.

All I can say is that these DCCA power cords have a huge positive influence in my system. They make my amps perform at their best.

I want to try the Musical Essence on my DAC and Eminence on my amp. But these cable are stiff so you need a lot of space behind your rack.

Mattheus, wonder whether stiffness is a issue with DCCA Extreme Reference if I have limited space behind rack?
Hi anyone have tried DCCA PC on power conditioner eg transparent or hydra?

if anyone is interested in a pair of dcca speaker cable and/or line cords, please contact me.
I can fully concur your enthusiasm Renaat. Don's power cords are "magic cords" and Don is the magician :) I have also excellent results with his AES/EBU and balanced interconnects. I think speaker cables in general don't have as much impact sonically when compared to power cords (and interconnects).
