Vertical placement of instruments....crazy

I am auditioning new interconnects. Though I like the sound, the vertical placement of the instruments and vocal is now all over the place. With my previous interconnects, music typically stayed around 6" above my speakers. With these new ones, I am hearing vocals 3ft above the speakers and instruments anywhere from speaker height to just below the ceiling! First of all, how can an interconnect have such an impact on the vertical placement of the sound? Second, how do I address this to make the soundstage more uniform in height and thus more realistic sounding? I have tried messing around with speaker placement but no luck.
That almost sounds like they are out of phase. Maybe check to be sure the interconnects are wired correctly. They might have been reversed internally when they were put together.
06-20-13: Marakanetz
are you trippin?

Believe me I wish I was! This issue was totally blowing my mind. I tested this with several different cds and songs. The results were the same, crazy vertical placement of instruments.
The new interconnects are passing more high frequency information. Don't like it? Go back to the old interconnects if you prefer a smaller sound.