Power Cords for Ayre K-5xe and V-5xe

I am looking to upgrade the power cords on my Ayre V-5xe and K-5xe. I was considering Kubala-Sosna Emotion, Purist Audio Dominus, Virtual Dynamics Master, and a few others. I am open to suggestions. Can anyone comment on the ones I've mentioned or suggest any that might be better? Thanks
Of the three that you mention, I would recommend the VD Master. I feel it is more transparent and natural than the others. The PAD Dominus probably would sound better on digital gear though.

That being said, the VD Revelation is even better than the Master. I know, it should be for the price difference, but the VD Revelation is now the best power cord I've heard, by far, especially for amplification/power conditioning sources.

I've heard many top cords in my system, including top of the line offerings from Shunyata/Nordost/PAD/Tara Labs/K-S/XLO/etc. The VD Revelation are my current reference for best all around performer.

I haven't heard the Master or Revelation 'Signature' series yet though, so I may be living in the past.

having tried 2 of the three you are considering ..i haven't tried the vd 'master'..i can tell you that ..in my system..the jps 'aluminata' is much better then any pc i have tried...by far....if $ is not an issue,because they are very expensive....i would have paul at 'the cable company' send you 1 to audition before you decide on any of the others....i tried 1 against the ks 'emotion' and after 3 months had replaced all 5 of my pc's including the ks..elrod 'statement'..prana wire 'samadhi among them....they are that good..at least in my system...and with the audition policy at 'the cable company' it was a no brainer...good luck..
Regarding all power cords - they simply change the sound, and maybe not for the better. When I had a lesser system, I advocated changing power cords, but I have a cutting edge system with Ayre and actually, the factory power cords are very sufficient. I truly like them the best.