Jumpers - How good do they really have to be?

I’m in the process of upgrading my speaker cables to Analysis Plus Solo Crystal’s. I’ve never bought into the bi-wire hype and the cables that I have purchased are single wire. Currently I’m using AP Oval 9’s with some “light-gauge” Kimber jumpers that were given to me. My thought is that I should buy the Solo Crystal jumpers (synergy and all that good stuff) but since jumpers very seldom if ever come up used on A’gon I would be buying new and the price of new Solo Crystal jumpers is about what I just paid used for the Solo Crystal cables. Somehow I just cannot get that past by pea brain. I’m not aware of any way to audition jumpers so I was hoping someone could give me some guidance

My question is how good do the jumpers really have to be? Speakers are Totem Mani 2’s. Can I get away with a lower priced AP jumper; say Oval 9’s or 12’s? Are my current jumpers ok. Or should I just bite the bullet and buy the Solo Crystal jumpers?

Since I can't seem to locate any info regarding the Mani's "stock" jumpers, could you describe them? Flat bus-bar/strip types, or, fork or bannana connectors with short specialty wires, etc?

If they are of quality "strip" types (electrically "dead-short"), them I'm quite curious why "wired" variations would alter the sound, other than coloration. Maybe you prefer these affects, based on your listening environment?

Just curious...

The stock jumpers I speak of are the flat bus-bar strip type. Although I should mention that I’m not 100% sure that these are the same type jumpers that are stock on the Mani’s. I also have the Model Ones and Mites and these jumpers were taken from one or the other. The Mani’s I bought used here on A’gon without stock jumpers and I was given the Kimbers in their place that I mentioned before.

As far as differences, as I also mentioned before, there is a noticeable difference between the flat bus-bar strips and the Kimbers. More definition and detail. The highs also seem to be more extended. I don’t think its coloration, but maybe it is.
FWIW I just went from single run with silver jumpers to bi wire of the same stuff (AN Lexus) and the improvement is great with better integration between the drivers and better tone and the music flies out of the speakers where the single run was more constricted and the tone was off in comparison - hence my recommendation.

have fun and good luck