Need advise choosing speaker wire

I just purchased a pair of B&W 802D's. I use a Bryston 14bsst solid state amp and a deHavilland Ultraverve tube preamp. I have a Wadia 302 for my music source. I am in a huge quandry as to what speaker wires to buy...there are hundreds out there. I would like to bi-wire the B&W's. I guess I am looking for the cleanest, non-colored path to the speakers as I very much enjoy the Bryston-deHavilland combo. I really don't want to further "color" my signal with speaker wires as much as I can help it. Thanks for the help, Jim
Second the Alpha Core. I'm using the Goertz MI-2 Veracity copper speaker cables and they have been a great addition to my system.
If we are going to talk about gauge then the Oval 9's are well,a 9 gauge as the name suggests,also the Kimber 8 TC is a combined 8 gauge and let's not forget the PS Audio Statements at gauge six(6). All of the above choices are wallet friendly .

Are you talking about the "Romex" brand wire that runs thru many walls in many homes in the USA?
If you don't mind me asking; How did you discover this? And; Have you compaired the "romex" to any comercially made "speaker wire"? Thanks for any follow up info you can provide.
