Where to find uni din protractor

Hi all, anyone has any idea where to purchse Uni Din
protractors for not too much coin?
Tawa, Write to Yip by 'mint LP @hotmail. com'. You should mention the tonearm , the TT as well the(axact) dimension of the spindle on your TT. The price is about $100.
I have a protractor from Yip, which is great, but i would like to try the Uni Din to see if it is better in any way.
Thing is i have no intention of buying a SmartTractor,
Someone will soon offer the Uni din by itself for $100 or
Tawa, The Mint tractor is made for an specific toneram/ turntable cambo. The Uni Din or other so called 'universal tractors' are average tractors for all purposes. But the difference between spindle dimensions by different turnatables can be considerable. Your hope to find the Uni Din second hand for $100 make no sense to me because for the same money you can get a more pricise tractor for your specific tonearm/turntable combo.
If you want to try an alignment like UniDIN, you can use a two point protractor with similar nulls. The difference between the various alignments for a given arm basically amounts to setting up to different nulls, as explained here:

I am sure that if you wish to experiment without spending a lot, it would be possible to use the free Chpratz protractor from VE.

Or, if not that, then have Yip make a Mint for a specific known effective length or mounting distance using given nulls.

The important thing with any protractor is to persevere with trying to obtain the required zero error degrees when the stylus is on the nulls.
Hello John,thank you. There is no great hurry on this,curiosity is simply getting the best of me.