3k to spend...

Which combination of turntable/cartridge/phono preamp would you buy. I understand its very subjective....but just looking for some ideas.

Thanks for any and all suggestions.
Krelldog, I do not know the best route but I will share mine when I went back to vinyl about 8 years ago. I do know you have to stretch as far as you can $$ for each component - to ward off upgraditis.

I went with a basis 1400 signature, Hadcock tonearm, and sumiko blackbird high output MC. For the phono I went with ARC PH 5. The total package was about 6K. It knocked my digital rig out of service it was so much better. Also, you have to spring for a RCM like the VPI 16.5 or someting similar.

There are many paths you can take and they will all be good. I am 100% vinly now and have never looked back.
IMO, 3k is pretty tight for a good analog setup - it would not satisfy my needs. So, if I were to get started today, I would definitely go with a used Basis 1400 with a budget arm already on it (you can always upgrade the arm latter). Look for a used tube phono pre (ARC PH3 would be my 1st choice) then look for a cart on the warm full sounding side with output to match the phono pre gain. Don't forget cables - and as Pops said, you'll have to spring for a RCM. Nothing less then a VIP 16.5 will do IMO. All this will exceed 3K -but like I said, a budget of 3K on an analog system will not satisfy my needs.. It probably could of been done 10 years ago, though.
VPI Scout Jr ($1500.00)
DV 20X2 (850.00)
DV P-75 MKIII (900.00)
Would be a good place to start for $3250.00 if you want to buy new.

You could do much better in the used market. Good luck and happy listening!