Linn lp12

I recently installed a new motor in my Linn thinking that was the problem. Apparently will not start unless I manuely turn the platter and bring it up to speed, otherwise it just humms. No good stereo shops in my area...any suggestions? Have it in a shop here now, but not to confident in their ability. They have never seen anything like the Linn...not good. They tell me it would help if they had a schematic...don't have! lol..this is not good.
Could be the power supply; I changed mine for the Mose Hercules. It requires a push to start on 45 but no belt change and starts itself on 33. If you need a used power supply mine was working fine when I replaced it; just wanted better performance and no belt change. Have you tried the Linn forum; I would post there.
The motor in my old LP12 ran for over 20 yrs without any sign of trouble (still running now several years after I sold it). After switch on I would leave it running continuously for 5 or 6 hours, usually giving it a small assist on startup (but not really needed even though it might take a second or 2 longer to stabilise).

Is your unit powered by Valhalla or Lingo? (Int or Ext supply)

The aftermarket Hercules II supply is even worse in respect of achieving stable speed. It must be assisted on startup or you may wait a long time...
Just as a thought have you checked the bearing to see if any "gumming" has built up? If you are not near a dealer I can recommend with full confidence, Rick at, he is in Ft.Collins Colo. and has people nationwide send their LP12's to him. He has mine sounding better that I think it should. He can not only fix it but also tune it to it's full performance potential.
Correction it not backwards as I had listed. Brain flatulence:)