I think I am going to attempt to make turntatbles

First off let me say I am not new to the audio realm. I am a computer engineer and yes I realize that deals in ones and zeros. However, I have made a few custom guitars. I know a master woodworker and a talented machinist. I have been searching for that perfect table for years whilst living in mediocrity. Well, I have the resources; why not make one from scratch. More than likely I am going to attempt a belt drive unit at first using an off the shelf arm... More than likely an SME. I am working on the power supply circuitry right now as my piece. Any one have any tips... I am thinking solid, large mdf plinth with an attached copper mat and either a heavy plinth with an acoustically decoupled motor or completely detached. Thoughts?
That is the way AJ Conti of Basis and several other manufactures started; they didn't like what was on the market and thought they could better. SME got into audio because Alistair Robertson-Aikman [probably misspelled] didn't like the arms available and had his machine shop build one.
I tried and gave up.There is alot more involved than you might think

Buy a VPI Classic 1 , 2 or 3 and be done with it.
Agree with Vernneal. It only make sense if you enjoy the process of designing and building by itself. I do, so I'm having lot of fun along with enjoying the music on the long run; I also have learned great deal about audio. Otherwise, it is not justified economically; lots of excellent second hand TT on the web market.
"It only make sense if you enjoy the process of designing and building by itself"

I'm assuming this is the case, right?
Good initiative!
Through experience, I strongly suggest the following:
* purchase off the shelf platter (many offerings, "Scheu" is one of those) and well -- or tyou can design & machine he latter yourself (a mechanical engineer will help tremendously).
* work on a (electromagnetic) elevation system for the platter -- i.e. a magnetic bearing; get rid of the bearings friction.

Good luck!