Help me pick a phono preamp

Here's my rig-mmf7 tt with denon dl 160 cart, 211 tube mono amps, tube pre. now using a consonance pm 6 phono pre,not bad time to upgrade it. I want to keep it under 1k, and have been reading alot about the dynavector p75, ear, graham slee, lehman black cube, musical surroundings phonomena, and sim audio. I am not sure about going with a tube phono pre, because of the tube amps and preamp. may be too much tube. Any opinions on a good choice for my system? thanks.
Denon 160 is $200 new cartridge? And you want to get a $2000($1000 used) phono stage? Sim LP 5.3 would be great but what a waist.
well, i have to start somewhere, and for 1k it's either the 1k phono pre or a 1k me, the pre makes more sense...maybe a waste for now, but if it sounds better than what i have now it is not a waste...
lets put it this way then, if you had 750-1K, where would you put it to get the most immediate sound upgrade, the tt, cart, or phono pre? i would think it would be the phono pre, yes or no?
I like my sutherland Ph3 just fine with tube pre and tube amp. Battery operated. No power cord. D batteries. Very quite. Many loading options. Sounds great. Made my goldring MM sound good. Makes my Ortofon Cadenza Red sound great. Got mine used here. They come up every so often. $1K new.