VPI Classic upgrade what any had the SDS, it is a

good upgrade and it is big different.
I do not own the VPI Classic, but I do own a VPI HW-19 MK3, which has served me well for a long time, and which a few people may consider a bit of a minor classic itself. I had previously tried it with the SDS, which I felt added a slight electronic edge or impression of artificiality to what I was hearing. In other words, things sounded more natural without the SDS, and I had no problems with the turntable's speed either. I also saved some $$. One final comment: I've never been able to understand why after buying a VPI table, one should have to shell out an additional, sizeable sum of money for the ostensible purpose of doing something for the platter's speed that shouldn't have posed a "problem" in the first place.
My Classic is spot on at 33 and 45. I do not have an SDS yet but plan to buy one when my budget allows. In addition to speed stability it allows for electronic speed change and cartridge hours of use tracking.

Opus - is the incoming voltage drop, sometime i read 110 volts and 116 volts etc. so having SDS will maintenance constant speed regardless of incoming voltage.
My dyna 17D3 at the end track will hit the VPI clamp and bounce right back, anyone have this problem? maybe i should change to smaller diameter clamp, anyone replace a new clamp which is good,recommendation please.thks Chris
I use the Dynavector 20X VPI and the standard one piece clamp.
The cartridge does not hit the clamp.

For what its worth, my Dyna XV-1s also has no problme hitting the clamp. There is usually a 3-4 mm gap between cartridge and the clamp.

I think now that SDS may or may not help your system will depend very much on your electricity. Recently I tried using my computer UPS with true-online whatever it is that keeps the voltage very stable at 230v. In my apartment, electricity tends to fluctuate between 220-226v from what I can see on my UPS. Anyhow, it made significant improvement in my system. The bass is deeper, tighter with much better pace and midrange is more fleshed out. How could one attribute all these sonic improvement by steadier voltage regulation on a motor spinnng a record, I have no idea and I don't know how much better SDS would be over true-online UPS power conditioner but I think if you have a UPS lying around and wonder if your VPI may or may not benefit from SDS, you could use this to see if it makes a difference first.