Granite under wood for better isolation?

I have some slabs of granite and I would like to know if I ordered 2 inch thick maple to go over (lay on top of the granite) the granite would this work to provide good isolation for my turntable and CD player? I do not like the sound of the granite alone.
I have no choice but to keep my turntable up higher. My dog listens with me sometimes and she may get too curious.
Several people I know have recommended a composite of granite + mdf like audiogalore mentioned.

Here's a link to one manufacturer:

I have done some research on the web and it seems that Sorbothane and granite seem to work well together. Has anyone tried these sheets?
I ended up getting a 3 inch thick maple platform. Wow, I am very happy. Very natural. The best my records have ever sounded. I have vibrapod isolators under the maple platform. i could not be happier. I am suprised at how much better the table tracks records now. Its amazing how much their is to learn in this hobby.