Hum...ZYX with Tom Evans Groove Need suggestions

Hi all, I need help with with hum I'm getting from my ZYX Airy 3 and Tom Evans Groove combo. Never had hum issues before with a number of other phono's I've had. The hum is louder on the left side than right, and if the Groove didn't sound so good I would've gotten rid of it. Thanks in advanced.
Have you tried using a cheater plug or grounding system to center screw on AC outlet? Grounding problems are notoriously quirky and extensive trial and error is often required.
try moving the groove around a bit. it might be catching inteference from the power supply of another component. this happened to my groove plus and my zyx universe. try moving around the interconnects as well.
Thanks for your responses.
Stanwal, yes I have tried cheater plugs. Can you explain more on grounding system to center screw on AC outlet.
I have connect the tonearm ground wire to different places in my system with no improvement.

G_m_c, I have moved the Groove around different locations on my rack and away from the Michell's power supply which did lessen the hum. But it's still louder than what I had with other phonos. It appeared the Groove easily picked up noises from power supplies.

Any other ideas I should try?