TW-Acustic Raven Belt question?

Today I'm running a TW-Acustic Raven AC-1 and planning to up grade to AC-3 in a few months. The belt provided is long and maybe tired. Emailed Jeff and a new belt should be on the way. But, this peaked my just curiousity, has anyone tried different belts on their Raven AC-1 or AC-3? Better or worse?
I have been using the same belt since I got mine three years ago. Jeff and Thomas of TW say it is fine. It gets up to full rotation as fast as the day I got it so I can't see the need to replace it.
At one time I did considered 1/4 inch tape however just never got around to it yet. One member here that I know of using tape drive on his Raven is Ducatirider.
As for the factory belt I agree with Pcosta they are pretty robust.
Little off topic, and I have no idea if TW is using the same belt material as SME.

But when I owned my SME 20/2 I could always hear a improvement when I changed belts about every 18-24 months. Mostly in the PRaT/detail retrieval. I'd also use contact cleaner on the motor pulley and sub platter to remove some belt gunk.

As I said, not sure this translates into the same experience for the TW tables...