Glanz moving magnet cartridges


I have just acquired an old Glanz G5 moving magnet cartridge. However, I cannot find out any details about this or the Glanz range or, even the company and its history.

Can anyone out there assist me in starting to piece together a full picture?

Any experiences with this or other Glanz's; web links; set up information etc would be warmly received. Surely someone knows something!

Thanks in hope
Regards, Nandric: Relating to the AT20SS, Henry and I were in communication at the time, he and had both found the 20SS carts. Both of our carts were supplied with generic styli. There was little commendable about the performance. Based on the evidence on hand, Henry elected to sell his. I'm sure Raul is unaware of this.

The other mentioned carts: The TK-10 is 2.2mv output & not all phono stages have a MM section with a compatible input sensitivity. And the Acutex 420, a microphone masquerading as a cartridge.

If we are to touch on my (still) favorite cart, the TK7LCa, it is one of several capable of provide long-term listening without listener's fatigue. An instance of what it doesn't do wrong is more important (to me) than the very short list of it's faults. Using the provided criteria of evaluation, criticisms of the cart are few.

At a certain level of quality of construction I find any attempt to label a specific cart as "best" becomes less useful. Inductance, output, the manner in which self-resonance is dealt with, cantilever and stylus each contribute to a carts' voicing, then there's the tonearm and other downstream gear. I'm not disturbed if others choose to define response that falls outside of narrowly defined parameters as "distortion", which I remind myself is a scientific term relating to measurable phenomena. I prefer to think in terms of "character".

Music in our sometimes passionate observance is served on a platter. Chefs, mastering engineers, recipes and kitchens all have their individual characteristics. A gourmet will base his evaluation of a preparation exclusively on it's condition as it left the chef. Many of the recordings available to me don't meet those lofty five-star standards. A little "seasoning" will sometimes improve the presentation to this listener's audio palate.

Nikola, enjoy your "cart swapping" experience. Hopefully you'll find several that meet or exceed your expectations. Which is "Il Ultimo" is yours to select.

As to carts, I can state with absolute certainty that I don't like broccoli. Those who do are entitled to their opinion.

Dear Timeltel: ++++ " I'm sure Raul is unaware of this. " ++++

Somewhere exist the posts between Halcro and me. In one of them I stated that the only reason whay the 20SS could have a poor performance were because out of specs or after market stylus, he stated that was not ( if I remember?? ).

+++++ " The other mentioned carts: The TK-10 is 2.2mv output & not all phono stages have a MM section with a compatible input sensitivity...... " +++++

I think sometimes you read my post maybe to fast, or you don't really understand it or I'm to bad to self explain.
Timeltel when I say that I know Halcro electromics first than all I'm not refering to Halcro his self but Halcro electronics and when I say " I know " it is because I know it first hand for several time.

Things are ( I posted several times. ) that my friend and co-designer in our tonearm owns Halcro electronics and almost all the cartridges I bougth/buy he did/do it too.

The Azden and 420 were no exeption and my TK10 sample was auditioned in those Halcro elecvtronics WITN OUT ANY SINGLE PROBLEM ABOUT.

I'm truly responsable on what I post always and I try never " talk lightly " as any one could think.

I hope this time I was clear about.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Professor,
The reason you don’t like broccoli has nothing to do with the quality of broccoli per se….for I know it very well and it is a fine food product.
The reasons perhaps you don’t know it……but your crockery, cutlery and dining table are not allowing you to taste the ‘real’ broccoli?
You insist on using Rosenthal plates with the raised outer rims which simply don’t allow for the broccoli to be brought ‘level’ to the edge of the plate. This brings ‘distortions’ to the ‘cutting’ of the broccoli which I’m sure you understand the consequences?
Also china plates simply don’t compare to the quality of real ‘silver’ plates in matching the ‘neutral’ taste of the furry ends?
Also your knives….which I know very well as I had them in my dining room for several weeks……..are serrated instead of being highly sharpened and smooth? You should know that these ‘serrations’ are introducing ‘distortions’….which you may love….but which are not true to the real broccoli tastings?
Your dining table…which I have seen and tested in various Ikea showrooms….is wooden and NOT extendable!
Tell me how….how is it possible….to accurately place the position of the plate with the broccoli on it, in relation to your seating position….if you can’t extend the table?
Have you tried eating broccoli off a polished stone table? You should try it? You have nothing to lose…only to gain whereby you can enjoy the true flavour of this wonderful vegetable?

But how can I help you?
You love those baseless food products like lobster, caviar and oysters which are so full of ‘distorted’ flavours that I sold all my leftover caviar to a travelling band of Mariachi musicians.
Oh yes… love the ‘wow’ factor when the caviar ‘pops’ in the mouth and the oysters slide down your throat….but what has got to do with the ‘real’ taste of those top foods like zucchini, cauliflower and broccoli?
And I know the accurate taste of the offal…..liver, heart, kidney and brains….you also don’t like?

Please don’t take this the wrong way Professor?
I have trained myself over the years to appreciate the ‘accuracy’ of boiled vegetables…the ‘Kings of Food Produce’…over the distorted exaggerated taste sensations of steak, bacon and duck….and don’t get me started on Asian cuisine?
But anyone can do this ‘training of the palate’ if you practice hard enough and use the right crockery, cutlery and table?

Regards and enjoy the repast,
Dear Halcro: I like your ironic or I have to say " humor sense "?, but brocoli certainly is not a phono cartridge and needs no accurate/precise alignment/set up.

I know perfectly what you like and are hearing and I respect about.

As any one of us our each one audio system overall set up was made it and is working according what each one of us like it not what other persons like. I know that you are enjoying your distortions in the same way is a pleasure to hear mines..

Regards and enjoy the music,
but brocoli certainly is not a phono cartridge and needs no accurate/precise alignment/set up.

Tell that to Alain Passard who owns a 3 Michelin star vegetarian restaurant.