Are you an audiophile or a music lover: take 4

Lucifer's "ticked off" now, because of all those who chose to keep their music in the previous three threads, he's (she's?) decided to allow all you Music Lovers only ONE genre of music, ie Rock, Pop, Classical, Opera, C/W, Blues-- well, you get the idea. And please no quibbling or weaseling your way into multiple genres. "Big L" knows there are a lot of "cross over" artists, and sup-categories, but you've got to stick to the generally recognized main ones-- or the heat will be turned up.

This (to me) is tough'cuz I like a lot of different types of music, but I'd go with Blues. Good Luck. Craig
Actually being serious if you are a big fan of the bigger genres Classical,Rock and Jazz-you could find a piece to match any mood-so although you'd be limited you'd get by.
I would have to go all jazz. There are many types to keep it fresh and interesting. Everything from classic jazz to acid jazz and everything in between----ya, jazz!
I refuse to stress myself out trying to imagine having to pick only one genre of music to listen to for all eternity. You're all possessed!