No phono input on Jadis but want to buy tunrtable

Have a Jadis OR integrated amp and I want to buy a nice turntable to get back into vinyl after more than 30 years....

I have no phono inputs. What do I need to buy to make sure that I have everything I need to make this operate properly?

And what should I is a good 'complete' turntable system for something in the $500-$600 range?

Thanks in advance. I really appreciate the terrific advice that I get from you all in here !

Who is correct?

Mofimadness says "Make sure you buy a Phono "STAGE" and not a pre-preamp which just boasts the output from a MC cartridge"


Has2be says "You will need a phono pre amp and cables to run it into auxiliary inputs on jadis. Plus the turntable, arm , cartridge".

Do I need a pre-amp?
OK.... Thanks.

I am first going to look for a good ( but not exquite ) stage. Do you see anything that you could point me at so I can start to learn about what traits are impportant in the stage?

thanks guys !
Not all phono stages are capable of use with low output moving coil cartridges; it depends on their sensitivity. You can use one of the inputs on your integrated amp for the phono stage. You do not need a separate preamp, you have one inside the integrated amp. I would buy a used phono stage on Audiogon and a used table and arm also. At this price range you will probably be better off with MM or high output moving coil. The Denon 110 is a good choice in the latter.
This Cambridge is a nice little phono stage and has gotten some great reviews:
Check out The Needle Doctor. He's got lots of inexpensive gear and it's a good place to start. A friend of mine started there with a Bellari Phono stage and Music Hall table/arm/cartridge combo and was very pleased with the sound.

You should get enough of an idea whether you really want to get back into vinyl without spending a lot of money and if you do, you can always slowly upgrade to a level you're happy with. Be careful though, it could get expensive. My friend has gone through a few tables and arms, at least a half dozen cartridges and went from zero albums to over 2000 and still counting. Actually, he liked analong so much he got into reel-to-reel and I think he's now up to six decks not to mention many, many tapes.

Happy hunting!