Anyone own a Pioneer Exclusive P3 ??

wondering if any one has heard one and how competitive it is to today's 10k tables
Good news - sounds like you're on track.

You might want to experiment further with the damping. I would have figured your AT-150MLX to be on the "low" end of compliance.

According to the P3 manual (p15, bottom right), in general, low compliance carts should be set at 3-5 using the straight armpipe, and 2-4 using the S-armpipe. High-compliance carts should be set at 2-4 on the straight armpipe and 1-3 on the S-armpipe.
Congrats Jwabrie

The damping has a big bearing on the overall sound, so like T-bone said, experiment after you become familar with the sound.

IMO the Exclusive P3 is as good as anything out there. I am sure you will enjoy it for many years.
T Bone,

Thanks for the reply.
Forgive me with being so ignorant: But I suppose you are talking about the damping when you say "2-4 using the S-armpipe"??

And Downunder:
Yes, I think I will indeed this TT for many more years. Especially since it was the last item to complete my eXclusive setup: I already had the C3, M3, F3 and 3401's to go with it.. I love the complete setup!


Yes, 2-4 is the range on the damping knob on the top of the tonearm which the manual recommends for the S-armpipe when using 'low-compliance' carts. Personally, I tend to set it at the low side of what the manual recommends, but it is definitely worth experimenting - it will change the sound more than you expect...

FWIW, I assume your AT 150MLX is 'low' because of the specs shown on vinyl engine (which I had recently looked at). I have not used one of those carts on one of my tables.
Congratulation on completing your Exclusive total system.
The P3 is not easy to track down outside of Japan.

How do you find the C3 preamp,especially the onboard MM phono stage?
Is it warm or euphonic sounding or neutral?