Felt Mats or ???


Are felt mats the best choice for your TT?

If so please explain.

If not please explain and include another product instead.

Thank You!

That makes sense. Zinc probably wouldn't be so good for resonance control either. I doubt anyone clamps directly to that platter, especially not "bareback".

Good warning re: not clamping a Boston Audio Mat. If Nrenter decides to try he should MAKE SURE TO REMOVE THE REFLEX WASHER (or drill out a bigger hole in the mat, heh!). I actually cracked an LP in half once with my Teres clamp. I'd put two reflex washers on the spindle by mistake and couldn't figure out why the *&^% record wouldn't flatten out. I tried one more turn and SNAP! - it went from un-flat to really, really un-flat. Idiot...

Of course the biggest danger is swinging clamps around near mega-dollar cartridges. I consciously developed a movement drill so the clamp never passes over, under or near the tonearm. Taking out a $5K arm plus an $8K cartridge in a single dumb move is too scary to contemplate.


I'd really like to try the Mat-2 (5 mm thick) but I don't think my threaded spindle would support that thick of a mat. 3 mm is probably doable based on my tests. Perhaps I'll have to stack some old, unloved LPs and test later tonight.

The Mat-1 will probably be on my list sometime after the new year. However, I really want a Loricraft, too. :)
Hey Guys!

Did you forget about me? very humor

My MMF5 should I use cork or the felt.

I find the cork to be more stable or is that my imagination?

Thanks as always

With the MMF-5, go with whatever is cheap and sounds best for you. Don't try to spend too much money tweaking the Music Hall (this is coming from a former Music Hall MMF-5 owner). I'd bet the cork will sound better.

You'd probably be better off 1) downloading an arc protractor and verify the alignment is spot-on, and 2) getting it directly off of that glass shelf and on to a maple cutting board (painted black). Both will be useful if / when you upgrade.
where can i download what you are referring too?

And should I put the maple cutting board on top of the glass?

Thank you so much for the input!
