Nagra VPS

I plan an upgraded on my phonostage?

does someone could eleborated his experience with NAGRA VPS?

it replaced what phonostage?

if you upgraded and replace your Nagra, what top the Nagra VPS.

thanks for your help
Would be happy to help. Am awaiting the Nagra VPS. It should arrive any day. Will replace a Phd Sutherland, an absolutely outstanding phonostage. Why am I upgrading...that is a another story. As and when I get to saviour the delights of the VPS, will share my thoughts.
All the best
I purchased the VPS. I had the Pass AlphaOno. I listened to the Steelhead & the AR7 also. The stealhead was very good but sounded better by it self than it did going into my AR Ref3, sound best with rock music. The AR7 was too on the lean side for me, not enough bottom end, sounded best with classical music. The VPS had what I wanted, very neutral and has slam when it was needed. Very open and full sound stage with lots of depth. Also it sounds great with all music types I play.
Does the cone upgraded and the aluminum plated with sorbothan worth the investment as mentionned in stereophyle?

Found a person in Mtl that have it and is willing to let me listen my lp's on his set-up, will keep you inform!
