Cartridges for Grace 707

What are some readily available cartridges that will mate well with a Grace 707 tonearm? I'll be mounting the arm on a Linn LP-12.

Thanks for the info.
The Shure M97xe is a possiblity.....Ideally I'd like to find a V15.

Which model of ADC cart?

Thanks :)
Hi Rob,

An ADC MKII Improved is a pretty good moving iron cartridge from the old days. An ADC Astrion would be even better with its crystal cantilever, but very scarce. Even better would be the ever-elusive ADC TRX Series, with the TRX3 being the rarest, but best.

The Sonus is also nice, but the quality was always spotty. You could get a good, or bad, one. Sometimes, you win; sometimes, you lose. That's the way it is with Sonus.

Some of the Signets aren't bad. The 5.0 line contact model is rather nice for a moving magnet.

Of course, one not to forget is the Grace F9.

// Win
How about an Ortofon OM40 or new 2M Bronze or Black? They're all in the 22-25 compliance range. The OM series is much lighter and easier to match, at least theoretically.

Also, how about Cartridge Man MusicMaker? Recommended for medium-to-low mass arms of 13g eff. mass or less.
The Shure V-15 series is always a safe and high value choice.

I'd also look at the products from Soundsmith. He offers some high compliance cartridges that should work well with the Grace.