Most involving and thrilling moviemusic?

The more tips the more I will have to buy....
My favorite Philip Glass soundtrack is "Mishima". Everyone always says "The Mission" but "Killing Fields" (same director) is just as good. I think it's that it's so understated. Another one you wouldn't suspect: "Crazy/Beautiful".
For all of the Lynch films for that matter. Or as Frank Black would say:

Got wasted, erased head
Koyyannisquatsi" "High Fidelity" Music for Films" Brian Eno
hate the movie but "Last Temptation of Christ" Peter Gabriel
There are probably gobs of soundtracks that impart bigger really profound stuff, but i really like Little Green Bag near the beginning of Reservoir Dogs. Also enjoyed the way Vincent Gallo used Yes 'Heart of the Sunrise' in Buffalo 66.