VPI ScoutMaster or Project RM10

Both are in same price range, both have positive press, and both can be had within 25 mile drive from 2 dealers in the area, wich would you choose please and elaborate if you have time, thanks Chad
Then let's keep it going; I just reread he thread and found it to be interesting and informative. I own both Music Hall (Project) and VPI tables and I enjoy both; they are quite different sonically and the engineering is finer with the VPI. Set up is key to gettign themaximum performance out of them. Cheers!
I am in the same situation as Dmbaudio. Have had a RM 10 for many years, recently upgraded the cartridge to a A90 (from a Transfiguration Spirit) and the phono pre to the Avid and my dealer suggested the Classic 3 as a worthwhile upgrade. Since, I have the right to try it at home I will dive in. So far, I have not disliked any of his suggestions.