Ideal TT & Arm for the following top cartridges...

Koetsu RS Platinum
Van Den Hul Colibri XGW
Miyabi/47 Labs
Allaerts MC2 Finish

So the search is on. I agree with a colleague's comment that although it is convenient for AB'ing cartridges, my VPI extended Aries (ver. 1, no flywheel, no SDS) with a 12.6 bearing assembly and JMW 12.5 and two 12.6 armwands does not fully show the potential of these cartridges. Certainly I can upgrade to the Aries 3 and add the flywheel and SDS or step up to the TNT line, but considering the performance level of these cartirdges, I do not want to overlook something else.

The Allaerts is enroute so I cannot comment on it yet. But I really like the RSP and Miyabi (the RSP being more refined overall) vs. the VDH for now. It could be a loading issue (now at 250 Ohms) but the VDH, although fast, transparent, detailed and dimensional, it is also lean and uninvolving (I hear the VDH platinum option can address this).

So I would appreciate your recommendations on a TT and Arm combo in the $5k-10k range as used/demo demo pieces that are capable of showcasing the performance potential of these fine cartridges. Feel free to make a single recommendation (arm or TT only) or synergistic combination.

The rest of the system includes the Ear 88pb phono stage, a modded Electron Images MCP-1 and trying a friend's Whest PS 2.0 for kicks (a Wavestream Kinetics phonostage is coming), Bent TX103 step up as needed, First Sound Paramount Mk II pre, Dehavilland Aries 845G monoblocks (NOS tubed), highly modded Coincident Milleniums.

TIA & best regards!
Raul,I think you may have missed my point.Nobody,at this hobby, for any real length of time,will dispute the significance of the phonostage.That being said,the beginning of this particular thread clearly asks about arm/table/cartridge matching.That seems to be where this particular poster wants to spend his money.
My contention is (and I completely agree with you about the phonostage)that anyone in the "emotional" buying stage,for the arm/table/cart is concerned with those choices,and usually(most often)does not want to start analyzing a different "playback" concern,like another "box",in the fashion of the phonostage.
It is here where a close association with a good dealer would normally come into play,yet today the vast majority of purchases are made on the "net"(nothing wrong there,btw),so that "personal involvement in the system",by the dealer, is diminished.
This is why I stated that the commonality so much of us share,is the "buy and sell"(until we actually learn something)syndrome.
WELL,those fortunate enough to read,and maybe ponder some of the stuff discussed in forums like this one,can possibly save some time,and money,by thinking about the kinds of stuff "The Great Irigues" speaks to!!

How's that one!

sirspeedy70680@ & Rauliruegas - Yes I agree that the audiophile merry-go-round process of buying and trying equipment, can be tedious and costly. The assistance and expertise of seasoned hobbyists like yourselves can help relatively newcomers like me to be more efficient as we search. In the end when the latest and greated piece of equipment is introduced into our system, it is our own evaluation of its performance that dictates whether it stays or goes.

I also agree with the importance you place on the phonostage. I hesitated when deciding on the title of this thread, trying to decide whether or not to include it. I am aware that the performance potential of my cartridges surpass those of my arms, tt or phonostage. I purposefully left out the phonostage in the title so that I can focus on the tt and arm with the intent on searching the archives for highly recommended phonostages. Admittedly my current analog setup, despite being made up of quality gear is, in the grand scheme of things, midfi and no where near reference level. As you can see from one of my previous posts my search for a phonostage has already been fairly extensive. I am lucky that I did not have to pay for the chance to listen to many of these units as they were brought over by local audio club members. The ones that came with a price tag were acquired with the option to return the unit if it did not work out in my system.

Rauliruegas - It can also be concluded from my previous post, that I prefer the sound of a tube phonostage. I have heard one old and one new generation Rowland in my system and along with my Threshold FET10HL, Groove and more recently, my Whest and ASR Basis Exclusive experiences, none of them did for me what the top performing tube-based gear has done. I will look forward to an in-my-system chance of evaluating an Ayre, FM Acoustics, Connoisseur, Boulder, etc. and see if they can reach out and grab me. Unfortunately, the latter three are simply too costly.

So as tempting as it is to want to qualify my statement about output coupling capacitors relative to your stance on the merits of DC coupled designs, I will bow out for many reasons, the most important among them are: 1) I am not an engineer so am in no position to prefer one design over another based on technical/theoretical knowledge, 2) it has the potential to lead to a ss vs. tube discussions, which is a non-issue for me as I am open to trying all types of phonostages, and 3) the design (whether right or wrong) of an audio gear is of less importance to me than how it ultimately performs/sounds in my system.

What does this all mean? I have to face the possibility that if I cannot find a tube unit to work with the MC2, then I may have to settle on the need to have two phonostages. I also realize that this can occur before or after deciding on a tonearm to ideally mate with my cartridges on a quality tt. So it is possible that I will have to settle for a solid state unit (DC coupled or otherwise) for the MC2 and whatever tube phonostage I end up liking for the other MC cartridges with higher outputs.

I look forward to receiving your TP comments offline. Feel free to recommend either here or offline your top choices of DC coupled phonostages in the $4-7k range. Also curious if you and your colleague(s) manufacture your custom full function preamp? If so what is the cost to have one made? If you do manufacture it, do you have adequate inventory of these units available for someone like me to try?
Dear Norm: +++++ " Groove and more recently, my Whest and ASR Basis Exclusive experiences, none of them did for me what the top performing tube-based gear has done.... " +++++

If you heard those SS phonopreamps in your system and the only thing that you do was to disconnect your tube unit and connect the SS one then I understand your statement.

It is almost imposible that with a totally different technology you could hear the differences for the good/bad with out " touching " any single link on your audio chain, it is the same if you pass from SS to tubes : what we have to do is to set up again our whole system: VTA, load impedance, cables, speaker position, etc, etc.. If the new unit is really a very good one then this new unit could tell you some problems that you have in your system and that appear with this new unit in the system chain. As a fact those problems always were there but the " old " unit hiding through its lesser quality and higher distortions/noise/colorations. You don't have to be and engineer to have a point on this statement, everyone can do it.
If with the new unit you don't like what you are hearing you don't have to conclude that this new unit is the problem, why? you have to do a research for to know where is the problem because maybe the problem is in other place in the system and till now you never knew you already have it.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Rauliruegas - Let's please take the phonostage topic offline shall we? You are also welcome to open a new thread.

All - Thanks for contributing to this thread. Lots of great info! It would be great to hear specifically from owners of the Koetsu RS Platinum, Van Den Hul Colibri XGW, Miyabi/47 Labs and Allaerts MC2 Finish to see what tonearm they've found to be most synergistic. TIA & regards.
Ctm_cra,You clearly know alot more than you let on!!

You might want to consider buying a used Audio Research Phono stage,for a fairly low cost,and having a reputable "modifier" like Great Norther Sound,give it a significant facelift.They mod many lines,btw!Both I,and my friend had our older units completely rebuilt,a couple of years ago.INCREDIBLE results!!!Steve Huntley(the owner)does absolutely amazing work.I have never seen any manufacturer/or modder pay the attention to detail,that he does.

I know this may seem like like I'm going a bit over the top,but they work on a ton of tubed designs,turning them to "gold".It wouldn't hurt to take a look at their website.You may be able to get what you want,for less dough!

Raul,you are way off base in thinking everything has to be gone over(in the system chain)to be able to identify whether something is "sounding good"!Are you implying that when I swapped out some NOS phono tubes,for a better sounding set,that it is unclear to ascertain the reason for improvement?Or a cartridge change,or arm,or amp,etc!
I hope I misunderstood you!
