What cartridge?? Lyra, Dyno etc...

I need/want a new cartridge to go into my SME Model 20A record player. I currently have a four year old next month Lyra Helikon. Not a bad cart but fancy a change. What are the views of fellow audiophiles??
Which carts work well with my record player, I've heard that Lyra and Dyno's work well, any others???

Front end: SME Model 20A/Lyra Helikon/Ayre phono cable XLR/Symposium Ultra Platform
Sony SCD-555es with VSE level 5 mods Balanced
Preamp: Ayre Acoustics K1-xe with phono boards
Speakers: ATC active 20 towers
Cables by Clearer audio
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If you liked the Helikon (as far as it goes, and it is a great cartridge), then the next logical step up IMO would be either a Titan, Transfiguration W (or lower output V), or maaaybee a vdH Condor.

From a value standpoint, the Tranny (which I own) beats all the others because they're available at a 50% discount! The Tranny also got a slight edge compared with the Titan in a Stereophile review FWIW. I can put you in touch with someone who went from a Helikon to a Transfiguration W if you like.

You have a nice system, though you didn't mention any listening preferences. As always with moving coil cartridges, loading is critical! Also, you could definitely (again IMO) benefit from a tonearm cable change to: Silver Breeze, Hovland Music Groove, or if you can afford the very best (IMO) the Purist Venustas or (yikes $$$!!) Dominus.
Thanks for your reply. Yes I would be very interested in reading what your friend has to say on the Lyra/Tranny comparison.

Mainly listen to rock and jazz.

Just bought the Ayre phono cable XLR so will stick for a while. But in the past have lived with Cardas Cross, Audionote ANV and Nordost Quattro-fil tonearm cables. Haven't tried your recommendations but my friend will soon be taking delivery of his Hovland cable to replace his IC-30 on a Graham 2.2.
Dear Mooner: +++++ " Lyra Helikon. Not a bad cart but fancy a change. " +++++

If you want a change ( for the better ) on your quality sound reproduction my advise is that you can go for either: Dynavector XV-1, Colibri Van denHul, Transfiguration W/V or Allaerts MC2 Finish. This one is something special and I think that you and your very nice audio system deserve it.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Hi Raul,

I am interested to hear how you compare the Colibri to the Allaerts MC2 Finish. I am geting the Colibri (copper coil for now), and would like to know how you compare the two.


While waiting for a detailed response fm Raul (& others no doubt), I can give you a quick comparison b/ween Colibri & Allaerts on someone else's S Yorke TT (Burmester electronics, large orchestral music).
The Allaerts was better by comparison (listening order, Colibri then MC2). Much better (listening order reversed). Interestingly, "better" meant smooth & dynamic presentation. BTW, while the MC seemed to pick a max of info -- as did the Colibri -- the perception of surface noise was insignificant (maybe because of the rendition of music).

Please note that the above are no more than quick impressions on two outstanding cartridges.