Metrum Octave and 192khz?

I'm considering buying the Metrum Octave even though it has 2 hurdles for me (1) no volume control for direct to amp (2) no stated support for 192khz. I can probably live with out the volume control. Comments online look like folks have had both success and failures using the Octave for 192Khz. So consider this an informal poll for any willing Metrum Octave owners to help me and other fellow audiogon members considering the Octave to understand how likely 192khz would be to work or if a particular input device improves the chance it will work

1) are you able to get 192khz sync reliably with your Metrum Octave (yes/no)?
2) what input device(s) are you using when you try to sync 192khz with your Metrum Octave?

any shared user experience here deeply appreciated
I have owned two Metrum Octaves. I sold my first one, but I regretted it and purchased another one.
My first Octave would not work with 192khz at all.
My second Octave does 192khz flawlessly from my Colorfly C4.
I had tried using the C4 with my first Octave also, so I don't believe that the input device has anything to do with whether or not it will work.
I was sure mine did as I downloaded a sample and it played (sounded warbled but there was sound), then I grabbed some music and it also sounded warbled and was clearly not what I downoaded so no, apparently mine does not.

I did read somewhere that they can potentially select a unit that will play 24/192 for an additional fee so that would be worth checking into if you need to play this type of file.
According to Metrum, 1 in 100 will work with 24/192 files. My did and sounded great.
My Octave works well with 192khz via AudiNirvana being fed through an Audiphileo 2. It had a few bugs originally then I reinstalled the Audinirvana and upgraded it to the latest version and now it works just fine.
When I had the Octave it could do 192 but not all units could according to Cee. The new HEX model can with no inconsistency per 6Moon's.