Any opinions on the AMR Digital Processor 777 Dac?

I am wondering what users are thinking of this dac and if they have compared it to similarly priced units. I haven't seen much information or any professional reviews at this point and I am intrigued by it's functionality.
Well I think we all know that money does not necessarily equate to great sound :) I went to one home with $85K speakers installed. The amps and all associated gear was placed in a purpose built equipment room with custom cabinetry to house all the electronics. Absolutely stunningly beautiful room!!! Probably about 4 to $500K invested between the room and gear... and the sound ???

Absolutely NOTHING to write home about. It was impressive to behold and utterly uninvolving... And no, I will not list the gear so as to protect the innocent :)

Some of my friends have LARGE album collections and a turntable makes absolute sense for them to own. While I have wanted to play with a TT, I have about 20 LP's LOL and I simply don't think I will get the ROI were I to go that route. I am also very spoiled with my iPad controlling my whole rig.., can't go back now :)
Sorry Audiofun, just playing with you!
I actually admire your enthusiasm, and am interested in hearing the product.
Fla: It's all good :) I would like to know what you think when you hear it. Also if you get a chance to hear a Metrum Octave (only once it is fully broken in) you may be surprised what that little $1k box can do.., with the right USB/SPDIF converter.., if you are using a computer as a source that is :)
Audiofun, Have you tried Off-Ramp4 USB/SPDIF converter? Or have you compared your stand-alone USB/SPDIF converters to the USB port on the DP-777? The X-mos 2.0 USB chipset inside the DP-777 is very similar, if not identical to the one inside April Music Stello U3, but having a jitter-less internal I2S connection is much better than a USB-powered U3 with SPDIF interface. That being said, my Off-Ramp4 with Dual TurboClock and battery power supply handily beats the U3.
Yingtonggao: Hi, I have never had the privilege of auditioning an Off-ramp 4 or any Empirical Audio gear for that matter. I did compare my (former) Sonicweld Diverter HR and Kingrex UC192 to the USB port in the AMR DP 777. To be succinct it was the only time I preferred another interface to the Diverter HR. It is very good and though the XMOS chip is used it is not that simple. AMR wrote their own USB code, it is not licensed from wavelenth as so many others have done.

Also the I2S is a definate plus as it is one less conversion to be done.

The Diverter HR was close when feeding the HD-VDi input of the AMR but at the end of the day I thought USB direct in the AMR was best... that's why I sold my Diverter HR.