Any opinions on the AMR Digital Processor 777 Dac?

I am wondering what users are thinking of this dac and if they have compared it to similarly priced units. I haven't seen much information or any professional reviews at this point and I am intrigued by it's functionality.
Dev: the analog front end is made up of a Monaco Grandprix turntable and associated gear. While it is a VERY VERY impressive analog front end and something to behold, I find that I prefer the sound of my digital. Now I will say that I personally think that digital done right can be better than... thought I was going to go there didn't you? LOL Not opening that can of worms but in this case, yes I preferred the digital. This is not the first time I have had this experience. Some years ago I did a head to head with my Bidat with the Plus-Mod to another friends Sota Vacuum TT with a Lamm phono stage. I don't remember the arm or cartridge combination and I prefered the Bidat. NOW, I realize setup setup setup and it is possible that my friends turntables are not optimized... that I don't know.

I am not privy to a 77.1 (plus I don't spin discs anymore)so I have not been able to do a head to head comparison so I have no opinion :) Around the beginning of 2009 (if memory serves) I went fully to the camp of music servers. I sold my last cd player on this forum and never looked back. I automated everything with a Mac Mini, my iPhone and iPad, Plex, Remote and a NAS drive.
Audiofun, thx for the limited responce.

I also have and use vinyl and had the 77 in my system and no way did it come close to my set-up sonically.

I use to have a amazing referrence red book set-up listed at over $40K and still was not on par with my vinyl set-up, I sold it off for that reason along with the real estate it was taking up.

I still have a nice collection of cd's that I can't get on vinyl so I still wanted a player to listen hence getting a 77.1.

I have listened to allot of servers and not one has done anything for me, great for convenience but that's about it.

So that's my take on this
Well I think we all know that money does not necessarily equate to great sound :) I went to one home with $85K speakers installed. The amps and all associated gear was placed in a purpose built equipment room with custom cabinetry to house all the electronics. Absolutely stunningly beautiful room!!! Probably about 4 to $500K invested between the room and gear... and the sound ???

Absolutely NOTHING to write home about. It was impressive to behold and utterly uninvolving... And no, I will not list the gear so as to protect the innocent :)

Some of my friends have LARGE album collections and a turntable makes absolute sense for them to own. While I have wanted to play with a TT, I have about 20 LP's LOL and I simply don't think I will get the ROI were I to go that route. I am also very spoiled with my iPad controlling my whole rig.., can't go back now :)
Sorry Audiofun, just playing with you!
I actually admire your enthusiasm, and am interested in hearing the product.
Fla: It's all good :) I would like to know what you think when you hear it. Also if you get a chance to hear a Metrum Octave (only once it is fully broken in) you may be surprised what that little $1k box can do.., with the right USB/SPDIF converter.., if you are using a computer as a source that is :)