Why CD players will never be dead

The main reason , there is just way to many CD's out there to end a format . Anyone want to take a guess how many ? The manufacturers are still putting there time and resources into developing new and better players , and people with servers seem to be spinning disc's more than ever .
"Floppy Dick"...Wasn't that the sequel to Moby Dick? I think Floppy was Moby's son who went on to create a Viagra like substance that helped Moby in his older years, or something like that.

Chadeffect, agree. Getting up to flip Pink Floyds DSOTM or the Moody Blues DOFP to side 2 kinda breaks up the continuity of the concept. But I don't think we "all" fell for the music, some people fall for the equipment and are more left brained where analysis takes place ergo more arguements, I mean dicussions :-), take place. For me it's the music.
hi chas:

believe it or not using some form of a computer as a transport--lap top or desk top, is most inconvenient.

i can use the ps audio pperfect wave transport , or listen to my favorite cd player, which may exhibit coloroations i like and can be tuned by changing a tube.

if i used a "server" as a transport, i would need to find a dac with a tube in it and there is no guarantee that i would prefer the conics of the server with the dac over my cd player.

so, i am part laser and willing to "assume" that my favorite cd player with the "right" tube will be preferable to anything else.

it's a gamble and requires looking for cds. both of which i am am willing to accept.

i may have a chance to listen to a modified lap top from a company , in conjunction woth my ps audio perfect wave dac, but i expect i won't like that combo better than my cd player.

i think you can read between the lines and see why the server route would not be my best choice.
I wanna hear more about Moby's long lost son! Thanks, Onemug. lol.

I really can't understand why anyone cares whether Mr. Tennis prefers or doesn't prefer his cdp over computer audio. It's like reading about why he should like one single malt over another. Their his taste buds. It doesn't sound like he's trying to change anyone's opinion about what they should prefer, either.
More? They made a movie about Floppy. It didn't win any awards. It was up against some pretty stiff competition.

Agree with your last paragraph. I think you and I are more right brained orientated. The left brainers can argue ad nauseam over what is better. I have a support group for them....On and On Anon. KIDDING LBers.
Hi vhiner,

The reason why anyone cares is because this is part of the above discussion. It means nothing to me personally, but I do recognise the audiophile disease in the above posts & I am contributing my experience.

Hi Mrtennis,

I was under the impression the PS audio is a memory player of sorts. So slightly blurs this conversation. It sounds good too. PS audio are an honest company.

Re this tube or that for added audiophile happiness, there is always a way to add the euphonics if that's what works for you. Ironically I ended up with a flea power SET being a bit of a tube hater! So I do understand, but the latest generation DACs completely rewrote what was possible from Digital. Even making my DCS Scarlatti sounding a bit "old" digital & at a cheaper price.

Ok you could use a transport in, but 0 jitter via FireWire sounds way better to me. Also you may find the coloration you are adding now is unnessassary with an extremely fine sounding DAC like the Weiss Medea plus FW. You won't want anything in the way of its stunning sound quality.